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Friday, April 29, 2011

Inspired by Margaret. Again.

Wile browsing Margaret Feinberg's page, I found her asking once again: what do you love about Jesus? I also found a blog on "making it" in the writing business. Her thoughts were honest and brief. In short she says its difficult and blogging is a good start. Since one of the things I love most about Jesus is something I've wanted to write a book about for some time, I think I'll briefly blog about it.

The are at least fifteen instances in the New Testament in which Jesus is described as going up to the mountain, or to a desolate place as the ESV calls it. Some of these are the same instance in more than one Gospel, but I can't but help thinking that makes it even more noteworthy.

Readers, I've shared before that I did much of my physical and spiritual growing in the mountains. But I cant help but feel like there's a bigger and better reason that I connect with my Savior so well there. We were made for that kind of communion and intimacy with Him. While I'm worshipping on the crag there are others doing the same on a beach. Still others sit on a barren plane and pour their hearts out to the Almighty.

I truly believe that we function like a race car would on unleaded when we attempt to be fruitful Sons and Daughters without good alone time. Anyone who has developed a consistent quiet time will tell you that it's miserable to go without it. Martin Luther once said that He was so busy that he absolutely must spend three hours a day in prayer. What a concept!

What would happen if we treated our busy lives like that? The more obligations we have; the more time spent in intimacy with the Source?

I challenge you to go out of your way to spend at least 30 minutes a day with Him this week. If you already do, double your time! See the difference! Read, pray and listen. Be comfortable with the stillness of His presence. The enemy will try and talk you out of it, but if you persevere you will feel rejuvenated even in weariness. and you will intern be dangerous for the Kingdom.

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