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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Top Nine Things To Remember About Discipleship Today

It's 3a.m. I just finished walking a sister in Christ through the bum end of a break up. Us Christian girls are forever types, so facing a selfish guy who's not honoring her heart and wasting her time didn't feel that great.

What's funny (in an interesting way) is that God has been reminding me of an opinion I've held for some time. He knew I'd need the words fresh on my brain when I got that txt at 2am. He'd kept them on my mind for a couple days before I needed them, just to be sure I wouldn't let them slip by in this very tired moment.

So as I share this key thought (number six) on discipleship with you tonight, (or this morning, whatever it is)I thought I'd expound on the whole topic of discipleship in today's world in the form of a top 9 list. Why not 10? Because there are nine things that the Lord is whispering in my ear right now and I didn't feel the need to make something up to make it ten.

9.Discipleship requires patience and love.
 -Duh, right? I know this may seem obvious, but it's something anyone in a discipleship relationship with a "younger" Christian will be challenged with. In fact, you need a truly supernatural amount. It actually requires that you walk in the Spirit so that you embody all of the fruits...but ESPECIALLY patience and love.

8.Texting counts. It doesn't replace true, meaningful conversation, but it does make for good encouragement or a way to answer a quick question. Don't be afraid to meet and communicate with your peeps in a way that they relate to.

7.You can't rely on/blame yourself for the success or failure of the relationship. You are required to be obedient to God's leading, but you cannot add or take away from what He is doing though. Who are you that you can know what God has planned?

6.Discipleship is not a one hour class that you take each week for a time and then you're part of the club. It's a process. A long one.

5. Discipleship is your job. Discipling the people around you is not your pastor's job, it's not your mentor's job, it's not your small group leader's job. It's YOURS. 

4. Discipleship should be taking place outside of the church (building and body). You should be intentional about seeking these relationships within your close and extended family as well as your work and social circles.

3. Discipleship isn't just for Christians. The meaning of discipleship is to "make disciples". Bringing the message of God's grace to non-believers is the first step; and it continues until the day the believer is united with their Father in heaven.

2. Discipleship is not a role that you get to clock out of at 5 o'clock. Please don't take this as complete disregard for healthy boundaries. If you have a family, they are your first ministry and discipleship relationships. But this should be countered with an unselfish attitude. Does your relationship with your family look like hate in comparison to your attentiveness to God and His specific requests from you?

1.Jesus is still the BEST resource on how to disciple. He walked through life with many people at many spiritual stages. He focused on a few and really molded men to carry His vision when He left. The people you are in relationship should be growing, thriving and able to function without you. They should, in time, be able to do for others what you are doing for them.

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